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Louis came in this weekend because he had an upset stomach (vomiting and diarrhea) and his grandpa wanted to make sure he was okay. After an examination, the owner decided to take home medication to help calm down his tummy and see if he felt better on his own.


Our wonderful CVT, Misha, came in with her dog, Ellie, to get a mass removed from Ellie’s leg last week. Ellie came in last night to get her bandage replaced due to some pain, but is otherwise healing well!


Rambo came in yesterday for severe coughing and difficulty breathing, which is a common sign of congestive heart failure. After spending some time in the oxygen cage with Mr. Zebra and a change in medications, he was on his way home.


16 week-old M came into our emergency room last night because she got into something she wasn’t supposed to, but how can you get mad at those big brown puppy eyes? After spending the night here for monitoring, she left this morning as playful as ever!


On Monday, Mochi twisted and fractured his leg suddenly and was stabilized and diagnosed at Animal Urgent Care. His family came to us after they placed a splint and recommended him to EVS for evaluation for surgery.

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