
Our pet companions, due to their view of the world and general small stature make them prone to multiple ocular abnormalities.  They are also prone to multiple inherited ocular issues including vision loss due to cataract formation, retinal degeneration, glaucoma as well as acquired conditions of the eyes as they age.  There are also systemic issues that can be diagnosed via a thorough examination of the eye (cancer, high blood pressure, infectious diseases etc).   

At the initial consultation, the ophthalmologist will review medical history, perform the minimum database (minimal diagnostic tests needed for a thorough eye examination, including Schirmer Tear Test, Tonometry, and Fluorescein staining), do a complete ophthalmic examination including examination of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, lens, iris, vitreous, examination of the retina and optic nerve.  If further diagnostics are needed, we will discuss these on the initial visit.  Treatment options will also be discussed if no further diagnostics are needed. 

The EVS Ophthalmology Service has extensive experience in the treatment of many ocular abnormalities.   

Conditions treated by the ophthalmology department: 

  • Medical treatment of superficial corneal ulcer; medical and surgical treatment of deep corneal ulcers
  • Medical treatment of glaucoma and dry eye
  • Surgical treatment of eyelid tumors, general eyelid abnormalities that require blepharoplasties, treatment of entropion, ectropion, euryblepharon, distichia, and ectopic cilia. 
  • Cataract surgery, otherwise known as phacoemulsification with or without intraocular lens placement
  • Enucleation with or without an orbital prosthesis or evisceration and prosthesis for eyes that painful, blind and are not medically responsive. 
  • Evaluation of general vision
  • Treatment of indolent corneal ulcers
  • Surgical removal and graft placement of corneal sequestrums
  • Medical management of feline herpes virus
  • Proptosis repair
  • Corneal gluing for various corneal and eyelid abnormalities when appropriate


Various diagnostics may be recommended to help confirm a diagnosis of cancer or to determine the extent of a cancer (staging).  EVS offers many diagnostic tools to aid in formulating a prognosis and treatment plan for your pet.

Some of these diagnostics may include:

  • ♦ Gonioscopy
  • ♦ Tissue biopsy
  • ♦ Electroretinogram
  • ♦ In-house laboratory assessment
  • ♦ Digital radiography
  • ♦ Ocular Ultrasound
  • ♦ Computed Tomography (CT scan)
  • ♦ Slit lamp biomicroscope examination
  • ♦ Indirect ophthalmoscopy
  • ♦ Nasolacrimal flushing
  • ♦ Evaluation of the precorneal tear film
  • ♦ Minimum ophthalmic database:  Schirmer tear test (evaluation of tear production), tonometry (evaluation of intraocular pressures), Fluorescein staining (to determine the depth and type of corneal ulcer)

    Consultation with other departments including Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Oncology, Neurology, or Exotics etc for help in the diagnosis and treatment of systemic diseases that may manifest in the eye(s).


A specific treatment plan will be formulated and started for each individual pet.

Some of these modalities may include: 

  • ♦ Medical management alone or medical management combined with surgery
  • ♦  Surgery
  • ♦ Pain-relief 

Dr. Barnes earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science with a minor in Chemistry from California Polytechnic State University in 2001. She completed a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Ross University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2005 and completed a general rotating internship in small animal medicine and surgery at the University of Saskatchewan Western College of Veterinary Medicine. She finished an internship in ophthalmology and a residency in comparative veterinary ophthalmology at the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Barnes is a board[1]certified member of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmology and has been a veterinarian for nearly two decades.  She practiced small animal veterinary ophthalmology for nearly 12 years at Central Texas Veterinary Specialty and Emergency before moving to CO.  She was recently awarded the Best in Texas for Veterinary Medicine. 

Her special interests in ophthalmology include in-depth and personal conversations with her clients to obtain an understanding of their concerns for their pets and what they would like from the visit.  She enjoys helping her clients understand the process of healing and what to expect throughout their pet’s treatment.   

In her off time, Dr. Barnes likes to spend time with her dogs her dogs Kiwi and Molly, mountain biking, road cycling, Pilates, CrossFit/weightlifting, hiking/getting lost in the woods, and building Legos. 

Please do not hesitate to contact EVS for further information, or to schedule an appointment with, the Ophthalmology Service.

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