Protecting Your Veterinary Staff During a Pandemic

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, veterinary hospitals have remained designated essential businesses, as we provide essential preventative and medical care to household pets ranging from vaccines to prevent disease outbreaks to emergency surgeries such as foreign body removals. While we have the fortune to remain employed and operational during these difficult times, remaining open during a pandemic also means that we must take necessary precautions to protect our staff, and by extension our clients, from the virus.

Communicating with Pet Owners During a Pandemic

Let’s be honest—the COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on all of us. From craving human contact to heightened emotional interactions, the pandemic has brought out the best and worst in many of us. When dealing with pets in distress and the owners who love them, emotional interactions become even more frequent. During this time of stress, isolation, and fear, clear and compassionate communication with pet owners is a must, particularly at an emergency vet clinic.