
Dental health is extremely important to the wellbeing of your pet because dental disease can cause other health problems. Imagine if you never brushed your teeth: even after a couple of days, there is noticeable tartar build-up! We are here to help pave the way to a healthy mouth and body, so your pet can have a fresh, clean set of teeth. All pets get pre-operative bloodwork, full mouth X-rays, dental cleaning and charting, as well as any extractions that may need to be done. Our Dr. Tomoko has spent years cleaning teeth and making sure pets go home happy and healthy! 

*For patients who need more intensive anesthesia monitoring, we perform dental procedures with overnight patient monitoring and dedicated board-certified anesthesiologist monitoring when needed. Many patients that have heart diseases such as mitral regurgitation, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), and certain types of arrhythmia need more extensive care and monitoring to ensure safety during and after dental procedures. 

Call our main number (720) 510-7707 to schedule your pet for a dental.

If you want to start improving your pet’s dental health, here are our tutorials how how to brush your pet’s teeth:

You will need a finger or baby toothbrush, enzymatic pet toothpaste, and treats that your pet really loves! If your cat is a little more feisty, feel free to lightly restrain them in a towel. Make sure you are giving them plenty of treats and breaks. 

Step #1 Massage the Gums

Step #2 Lick the Toothpaste off Finger

Step #3 Lick the Toothpaste off Toothbrush 

Step #4 Brush the Teeth